From the monthly archives:

February 2009


February 27, 2009

The Twin Cities had a little bit of snow yesterday. And by a little bit, some parts got as much as 3” in one hour. My little suburb got 7” when all was said and done. Now, this is Minnesota, snow isn’t really that big of a deal here. It falls, gets pushed around all […]

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Making the Right Choices for You Right Now

February 24, 2009

Admit it, as part of the over-achieving, multi-tasking generation, you have some semblance of a life plan. You may not have fleshed out the details or timelines, but you probably have an idea of some of the biggies you’d like to get accomplished (marriage, home ownership, pet, MBA, etc.). So with the economy changing, you […]

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Go Team, Go! Be Fans of Your Leaders

February 19, 2009

Last week, a number of regional leaders were in our corporate office for a meeting. I just happened to be walking by when they were getting a tour, and it was like a family reunion. I’ve done some kind of work with all of them, and the ones who I hadn’t met with face-to-face were […]

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Your Mission: Change Agent 001

February 17, 2009

If someone asked me what I wanted to do in five years, I would say, “I have no clue.” That’s because I’ve switched roles every year for the past three years. My current boss probably has the 10-month mark on her calendar as a time to start getting nervous. But if you asked me what […]

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Be a “Yes” Man at Work

February 13, 2009

If you have flexibility in your personal life, this is a good time to volunteer for work projects. Sure, your day may already be super-packed, but volunteer anyways. While it may seem like taking on extra work, the value is going to be worth it in the long run. Why? A few reasons: 1. You […]

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Crime and Punishment Between the Generations

February 9, 2009

It has been a couple of months since an incident I experienced in the workplace, and I feel that it’s been long enough that I can finally write about it. This incident, in the grand scheme of things, might not seem like much when I reflect on it in 30 years, but I can honestly […]

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Bad Habits of a Gen-Yer: Loving Holidays

February 4, 2009

This might not actually sound like that big of a deal. Lots of people like holidays. Lots of people hate them, too. The funny thing about loving holidays is that it could be considered immature to get excited about Valentine’s candy or dressing up for Halloween. In addition to a turning your office into an […]

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Bad Habits of a Gen Y-er: Not Playing the Politics Game

February 1, 2009

So last fall, the world expected to see Gen-Y change the nation by showing up to vote. I even made sure to have filed for my Minnesota drivers license a couple days beforehand just to be sure. Apparently, Gen-Yers are all about the politics. Trust me, I used to live in DC. I would say […]

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