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Make the Airport Work for You

March 25, 2010

With the potential of spring finally landing, I’m ready for a get away. I’m very excited to plan out trips and think about moving and shaking, but I’m not always excited about the actual travel part. I’ve been delayed in the airport quite a bit. Especially coming back and forth from Minnesota, you stare and […]

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Are Bad Drivers Signals of Bad Employees?

March 22, 2010

Admit it. Sometimes you drive in the rain without your lights on. Or you don’t use your turn signal. Or how about driving too slow when traffic rushes by you? Maybe no seatbelt when it’s only a quick trip? After living in the DC metro area, I couldn’t imagine too many places that had worse driving. […]

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Why It’s Breezy Down There

March 2, 2010

What do you say when you have to tell someone of the opposite sex (whom you don’t know very well) that their fly is open? This goes both ways. See, there’s this sense that you’re invading someone’s privacy by having looked “there.” There’s a whole sexual issue that gets raised, when in some cases, it’s […]

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If You Want My Money, Treat Me Like a Customer

February 10, 2010

Where do you get off? If you want my money, you are a business. That means act like it. You are not above customer service. You are not above basic administrative competence. I don’t know if this happens everywhere, but when I lived in D.C., Greenpeace used to have solicitors parked outside the metro stations. […]

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Business About Thongs

January 29, 2010

If you read Cosmo, and I know you do, you would have noticed that February has an article titled “The Thong is Dead!” Jessica Knoll takes us through some history and background of the thong, and why men may be turning cold to the scandalous panties. I first heard of this article on the morning […]

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Bring in the Executioner

January 12, 2010

I’m not talking about the guy with the axe, though I would assume that the Executioner should be just as threatening. Nope, I’m talking about the guy you want on your team to get shit done. He may be in the background to every big project your leadership initiates. He probably knows the ins and […]

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Is it really that hard to expect honesty from businesses?

October 2, 2009

Have you seen those commercials for Ally Bank? Where the kids know that the shady practices aren’t fair? As a customer, you should have a right to understand everything you are getting from a business. It shouldn’t be buried in the fine print, and you should be able to expect honest practices. As we all […]

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5,6,7,8…SYTYCD Gets the Rhythm of Entertainment

June 11, 2009

We’ve got the Top 20 and now we’re in business. Literally. The business of reality talent contests has brought a change to television which results in new revenue. American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) have their own concert tours, merchandise, and then open the door for other revenue. Would you have […]

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