Posts tagged as:


Building Your Marketing Tool Kit

December 8, 2009

**The below post is featured on the Minnesota Chapter of the American Marketing Association Blog. I may not be able to speak for most marketing executives, but in my experience, there are some attributes your team needs to have to be successful. Some of these may be no brainers, but you should always be looking […]

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Hey Baby, I know my audience

October 9, 2009

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been chatting with friends about pick-up lines we see in our regions. Here are a few: DC – Hey Baby, I work on the Hill. MN – Hey Baby, I just bought a house. NY – Hey Baby, I don’t live with my mom in the Bronx. With each […]

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Volunteering to Keep You Going

September 1, 2009

**The below post is featured on the Minnesota Chapter of the American Marketing Association Blog. Not everyone had the luxury of knowing at the age of 18 that you wanted to be a marketing professional and chose a business major in college. In fact, many people fall into marketing through analytics, operations, HR, and so […]

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The Value of Honesty

June 9, 2009

**The below post is featured on the Minnesota Chapter of the American Marketing Association Blog. Much criticism can be found on the web for the current state of marketing. A lot of it is around how blatant companies are getting about pushing a product. It’s so out there. Yet times are forcing marketers to approach […]

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Not a Multi-Tasker?

January 30, 2009

I might be a little behind the times here…I’m a Verizon customer…but I just found out that the iPhone doesn’t allow for multitasking. Meaning if you want to stream radio and play games at the same time, it’s not possible. At least not on the same device. Now, I am taking this at the word […]

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