Posts tagged as:


I Didn’t Do Vacation Right

April 8, 2009

Last week, I was “supposedly” on vacation. It was so supposedly, that after six hours of flying home, I came straight into the office to put in eight more hours of work. Since then, I have been working nonstop, and my poor Google Reader hates me. But is this really a bad thing? I’ve talked […]

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My First Video Blog Post: Priorities

March 23, 2009

How do you set priorities?

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It’s Career Development…on the cheap

March 9, 2009

Right now is a crazy time. People are losing their jobs, taking pay cuts, or going part-time. There are those who may still have a job, but it feels like they’re actually doing two jobs…or three. And the pay is the same or less. That’s usually the rub. You may work hard for the money, […]

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A Reflection on Relocation

March 2, 2009

A few months ago I decided to move for my job. In the corporate world, this is known as a Relocation. Say it with my now, “Re-lo-ca-tion.” I did this for a few reasons: · I wanted to get into our Marketing department · I was tired of working on Government contracts · I needed […]

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Making the Right Choices for You Right Now

February 24, 2009

Admit it, as part of the over-achieving, multi-tasking generation, you have some semblance of a life plan. You may not have fleshed out the details or timelines, but you probably have an idea of some of the biggies you’d like to get accomplished (marriage, home ownership, pet, MBA, etc.). So with the economy changing, you […]

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Bad Habits of a Gen-Yer: Loving Holidays

February 4, 2009

This might not actually sound like that big of a deal. Lots of people like holidays. Lots of people hate them, too. The funny thing about loving holidays is that it could be considered immature to get excited about Valentine’s candy or dressing up for Halloween. In addition to a turning your office into an […]

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Bad Habits of a Gen Y-er: Working Too Much

January 22, 2009

Not that I’m obsessed with posting in a series, but I kind of liked the idea of linking my posts. While my stereotype assumes that I think I’m perfect, I know in fact that there might be a couple of bad habits I have that could be attributed to my age. So here is the […]

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